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Kiz from Kizmet

“...The journey to understanding oneself and finding genuine connection can be both exhilarating and daunting...”

Originally from a tight-knit family on the west coast of Australia, my professional journey began as a flight attendant, where I traversed both domestic and international skies, learning skills in personal presentation, grooming & effective communication. 

Transitioning from the aviation industry, I ventured into property development alongside my husband, immersing myself in the realms of interior design and project management. While our business progressed, we created a wonderful family life with 2 great children and & a big squad of dogs.

After two decades, my marriage ended, leading to family disintegration. Joining the ranks of grey divorcees, I initially hesitated but ultimately embraced the freedom of single life.

About Kizmet

Kizmet's main purpose is to provide support to people transitioning or curious about later life divorce (aka “grey divorce”). Grey Divorce is a growing trend that impacts many lives around the world. We are here to offer services that empower transformation and shine a light to a whole new fulfilling life after divorce.

In Arabic Kismet translates to "fate" or "destiny’". A connotation that might offer solace and support to individuals navigating change or challenging times.

According to the Urban Dictionary a Kizmet is "a spunky positive person with so much energy and optimism".

About Kiz. The Founder

Thriving now, I'm eager to guide you on a similar path to fulfillment. Driven by a passion for understanding the human psyche and facilitating growth, I pursued higher education, earning a certification in mediation and a degree in psychology. These academic endeavours equipped me with the knowledge and insight to contribute meaningfully as part of a crisis support team, providing compassionate guidance to individuals navigating challenging circumstances.

Trained by NIDA, I leverage my background in psychology and crisis intervention to openly discuss taboo topics, inspiring you to live a profoundly fulfilling life through insightful public speaking engagements.

Join me at Kizmet, where together, we can navigate through adversity and embrace the opportunity for growth, healing, and transformation.

Bachelor of Psychological Science (ACAP)

Certificate of Mediation (AMA)

Crisis Support Workplace Training (Lifeline)

Public Speaking & Media Presentation (NIDA)

Personal Transformation

Kizmet crafts tailored packages for personal transformation, prioritizing your well-being post-breakup. Let's collaborate on your empowerment journey. Connect with me today.

Kiz from Kizmet videocall

Kizmet Podcast

Tune in to explore the complexities of post-breakup sex & intimacy, featuring expert insights and personal stories to empower your journey. You are not alone.

Kiz from Kizmet recording podcast

Speaking & Presenting

Kiz ignites audiences to bravely engage taboo topics authentically, fostering fearlessness and curiosity for a transformative life approach.

Kiz from Kizmet speaking
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