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Kiz from Kizmet seated on a chair

the Complexities of  Intimacy and Sexuality 
After Divorce


Breaking the Silence: Taboo

Join us as we dive deep into sex & intimacy, the art of personal development, offering expert insights, inspiring stories, and practical advice to empower you, and the people around you on your journey.

Personal Transformation and Empowered Intimacy

I invite you to join me on a unique journey. Together, we can navigate through adversity and embrace the opportunity for growth, healing, transformation and a renewed sense of self.

Unleash your confidence and have people deeply attracted to you through your personal style, which is an expression of your true self.

Style & Confidence

Kiz from Kizmet
Man on a video call with Kiz
Beautiful and sexy bedroom

Tailored support to explore your unique desires and forge a deeper connection with yourself.

Personalised Guidance

Craft a home environment that reflects your innermost desires and empowers your overall well-being.

Home as Sanctuary

Happy woman on bed

Experience profound transformation by addressing the mental, emotional, and physical facets of your journey.

An Empowered Holistic Approach

Answers to Your Deepest Questions

Whether you have queries, concerns, or curiosities, rest assured that I’m here to provide insightful guidance while keeping your identity confidential. So, feel free to ask away, and let's explore the world of sex and intimacy together.

Kiz from Kizmet speaking

Meet Kiz.
Your Reinvention Coach & Speaker

At Kizmet, I draw upon my diverse background and holistic approach to support individuals on their healing journey following the breakdown of long-term relationships. With empathy, expertise, and a commitment to your well-being, I am here to guide you towards empowerment, resilience, and a renewed sense of self.


As a speaker and presenter, my candid discussions on taboo subjects are both direct and exhilarating, empowering you to conquer the world.

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